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3.2 Week 15 - Financing and Pitching (SW15-3.2)

This course introduces students to how to finance their business and how to pitch to investors
  • Class Overview: Financing and Pitching
  • Class 15 Prereading - Choosing Between Internally and External Financing
  • Class 15 Prereading - How to Pitch to a VC
  • Class 15 Pre-reading Quiz
  • Class Introduction - Financing & Pitching
  • Module 1 Introduction: Kingdom Business - Spiritual Capital
  • Module 1 Lesson 1 - Kingdom Business - Spiritual Capital
  • Quiz - Class 15 Module 1 - Kingdom Businesss - Spiritual Capital
  • Module 2 Introduction: Financing Your Business
  • Module 2 - Financing Your Business
  • Quiz - Class 15 Module 2 - Financing Your Business
  • Module 3 Introduction - Pitching Your Business
  • Module 3 - Pitching Your Business
  • Quiz - Class 15 Module 3 - Pitching Your Business
  • Class Conclusion: Financing & Pitching
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years